Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, February 18, 2024
Pray for the Physically and Spiritually Sick, for Those Who Groan in a Hospital Bed Alone and Abandoned by All
Message of Saint Rita of Cascia to Mario D'Ignazio on August 10, 2023

Pray, pray always. Stare at Jesus Crucified, and do not judge.
Pray for the errant, for those who fall, for those who go astray and are tempted. Be compassionate, merciful, slow to anger, forgiving.
Incarnate Jesus more in you.
Anyone can err, but you need to correct yourself quickly and return to God. Abandon sin, seek Thanks to Jesus, King of kings.
Strengthen yourselves in true faith. Meditate on God's Word every day. Believe in Jesus the Good Shepherd and be conformed to Him alone.
Be one with Him. Entrust yourselves to Him.
Seek first the Kingdom, the rest will be given to you in addition.
Pray for the physically and spiritually sick, for those who groan in a hospital bed alone and abandoned by all.
Avoid murmuring, condemnation and constant criticism. Pray for those lost along the path of life and do good, not evil.
Trust in Jesus.
Think about your mistakes, sins and you will be more understanding.
Leave the judgment to God. Surrender yourselves to Him.
Believe in the Holy Spirit Eternal Love, Holy Chrism of the afflicted and exacerbated soul.
Fear not you who follow the Message of Fatima, you of the Remnant Church of the Last Times, you who follow Us, love, worship: you will be saved.
Follow Mary, Ark of Eternal Salvation and Refuge of sinners.
Believe in Her. Now She is the True Guide of God's People, Representative of the Holy Flock, Image of the Remaining Church.
Listen to Her. Listen to the Call of Heaven, meekly accepting the Message of Fatima and Reconciliation.
Believe in these Holy Messages and convert to God Love.
Help us win the Battle of Faith.
Fast from useless talk, gossip and murmuring.
You are in the last times. You are in the days of Trial, Woe and Desolation.
Soon you will see the Abomination of Desolation in holy places.
Several churches will be closed, and several monasteries abandoned. Pray for the New Pentecost to come.
Pray to resist temptations, illusions, deceptions and demonic plagiarism. Satan is strong and will tempt even the elect to abandon God, deny Him and return to the world.
Pray for them. Pray for the instruments.
Abandon hatred, envy, jealousy, conceit and curiosity. Pray, pray, pray.
Prayer saves souls from eternal damnation.
Prayer opens the gates of Heaven and brings down copious graces. Embrace the Message of Brindisi, believing in it, practicing Christian virtues, in the knowledge that it is the Last Heavenly Warning.
Glorify the Father, glorify the Son and the Holy Spirit.
(St. Rita blesses and disappears in a shower of red, white and yellow roses)